the class starts with a focus on the mobility of the 6 extremities: neck, tailbone, feet and hands. these are often the first points of contact with the floor, so we need to have a strong understanding of them; there are many things to consider before, for example, doing further stretching of the hamstrings, arches, and folds. we will start with improvisations and puzzles on all fours. we will then work on different falling strategies (ukemi) and basic catabatics, which has nothing to do with karate, but literally means low(er)-(acro)batics. these include acrobatics such as cartwheels, stepovers, rainbows, mini rodeos, around the clock wheels, etc. these (rather new) elements are all about coordination rather than virtuosity, strength, or flexibility. i will teach all the elements from the basics: how to do a cartwheel, arabian, macaco, etc. then we will move on to details and finally progress to more advanced forms of catabatics and acrobatics. participants should come prepared with jogging pants and t-shirt, a long-sleeve shirt, and drinking bottle. no acrobatic dance background is required.
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