The Cabinet

Did you hate that mandatory medical examination you had to undergo from preschool to secondary school? That afternoon when they determined after all kinds of measurements and formulas whether or not you followed the ‘normal’ growth curve? Why did we have to stand in order from tallest to shortest during physical education classes in primary school? Why does a female model have to be at least 1.75 m. while the average woman is much shorter?  Why then is all fashion standardised at that length? Why do you have to buy shoes in pairs and not singly? Why can your friend who is much shorter than you walk much faster? Why do you already recognise that friend approaching from afar? Why do we as adolescents so often not feel at home in our own body?  And why do pirates wear an eyepatch? Did they all lose an eye?

The Cabinet was created within the context of Through the Grapevine.

Images: Olympe Tits

Text: Annelies Van Assche